Ionic Foot Detox Therapy
Detoxification and Relaxation Therapy
The IonCleanse by AMD is a proven full body detox that continues to detox the body for an additional 3-5 days after your ionic foot detox session. The IonCleanse helps the body relax and detox in a way that it has never been able to before, even if your normal pathways of elimination are compromised.
Toxins and toxicity interfere with every system of the body. These toxins damage the mitochondria of the body, creating disruption in all cellular processes of the body. The ionic detox allows the body a clearer path to success by helping the body’s normal systems and processes function without these impediments.
The IonCleanse works by emitting a clean current being introduced to the water in the foot bath. The water, H2O, splits in to H+ and OH- ions, these ions act as magnets drawing out oppositely charged toxins from the body.